2022/2023 School Year Kid’s Kitchen Cooking Challenge

The 2nd year of our home school, my daughter asked about cooking. And so, I made a list of 52 prompts and used it as a way to teach her about looking for recipes via the index, checking ingredients on hand, making a grocery list, going shopping, and then of course, following directions and cooking.

We did it sporadically throughout the year. There were no dates attached to it. She picked the prompt that sounded fun to her. At the time she was in 1st grade.

This coming year, she’s decided she’d like to do it again. Only she’d like to do it with a group of kids. Whether you use this as part of your homeschool, or as a way to cook more with your kids (or give them some direction if they’re ready to go off on their own in the kitchen).

So, I brought our list back out, dated it for the upcoming school year, did my best to make sure that the prompts with fruits/veggies were done when they were in season, or prompts matched holidays (like cookies around Christmas).

If you’d like to join the facebook group and share what you make when you make it, at the very least, we’d love to see how other people interpret the prompts and what you make. There is no rules, no limits here. If you’re cooking with your child, great. If your child is independent, awesome. If you find that you love the recipe you found and want to share that with your picture, wonderful!

We’re going to start this the first full week in July, to coincide with the academic year for those using this in their school. Click here to download the PDF from my google drive if you’d like to know what’s coming up for prompts, or have a printed version stashed in your kitchen/school room!

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