Welcome to What We Learn. We are a small home school family living in Pennsylvania. Along with learning the basic age appropriate materials in our school days, we find ourselves continuously learning as a family. Whether it’s small or large home projects, parenting, work on vehicles, recipes or more efficient ways to use tools, it seems that once you start looking for the teaching moments as a home school parent, you continuously find yourself in the midst of learning moments for yourself. And so, this site was born.
What will you find here? First, in What We Learn main, you’ll find posts related to home school, parenting, and general home making. Additionally, a subsection for all the crazy projects we take on (we’ve taken down walls, built new ones, bought a skid steer and moved a LOT of dirt, retaining walls, built an attached bunny room within our sun room, the list goes on). And so, while these are more learning moments for the adults, maybe that deserves its own crazy space, in case it’s not quite what you’re here for.
Next up, Lyla’s Lair. This is the blog I agreed to give my 10 year old as a compromise to her request for her own You Tube channel. It’s her place to write about what shes’ learning, field trips we’ve taken, book reviews, and even some writing pieces of her own that she’d like to share.
My interests? Education, child psychology and parenting books, organizing, new recipes, unit studies and book/curriculum recommendations, and probably lots of pictures of our 5 fur babies. Being a mom has been the thing I knew I was going to put my everything into by the time I was 16 (years before I married or actually became a mom). I spend time reading and learning about parenting and teaching as if it were my full time job and my career advancements depend on it. And I’m sure I could do a whole lot less and be just fine at educating and raising my kid, but that’s just who I am. I’m all about filling my toolbox with tools before I need them in parenting, rather than waiting until I need them and then struggling to find something that works. I hope I can take my love of learning in those categories and share something that helps others as much as it has me.